Serve in a Team
The Bible describes church as a body. In Christ, “the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (Eph 4:16). In a body each part has a unique function and the whole body benefits from each part doing its bit.
Exactly the same is true in church life.
You have gifts and talents that no-one else has. Those gifts can be a great blessing to the whole church! Whatever gifts and abilities God has given you are not ultimately just for you, but the for the building up of his body, the Church! One of the clearest ways of this outworking is getting involved in a Sunday serving team.
There are multiple teams at work every Sunday (and during the week) in Redeemer helping Sunday meetings to be able to happen, the kids to be served in great kids work, guests to be welcomed, drinks to be served after the meeting, etc, etc. Each team plays a vital role in our mission to making Jesus known in our great city.
Whether you are very clear on where God has gifted you, or you are not that sure yet, we would really encourage you to get stuck to a serving team. You will find that serving becomes a huge blessing to you because serving others is one of the best things that we can do!
If you would love to get involved, you can sign up for a team by coming to the Welcome Zone or sending us an e-mail: