Serve in a Team

The Bible describes church as a body. In Christ, “the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (Eph 4:16). In a body each part has a unique function and the whole body benefits from each part doing its bit.

Exactly the same is true in church life.

You have gifts and talents that no-one else has. Those gifts can be a great blessing to the whole church! Whatever gifts and abilities God has given you are not ultimately just for you, but the for the building up of his body, the Church! One of the clearest ways of this outworking is getting involved in a Sunday serving team.

There are multiple teams at work every Sunday (and during the week) in Redeemer helping Sunday meetings to be able to happen, the kids to be served in great kids work, guests to be welcomed, drinks to be served after the meeting, etc, etc. Each team plays a vital role in our mission to making Jesus known in our great city.

Whether you are very clear on where God has gifted you, or you are not that sure yet, we would really encourage you to get stuck to a serving team. You will find that serving becomes a huge blessing to you because serving others is one of the best things that we can do!

If you would love to get involved, you can sign up for a team by coming to the Welcome Zone or sending us an e-mail:

Our Teams

Below you find a couple of our serving Team Leaders sharing about their teams.


The Welcome team is there to love people and make it easy for the newcomers to settle in. If you want to grow in gifts of hospitality and encouraging others, if you love to make visitors feel at home or like to chat with them to connect them in the church, you would be a perfect match for the Welcome team.


The goal of the Catering team is to glorify God through serving others with gifts of hospitality. Serving drinks, arranging delicious snacks or even preparing bigger meals are all tools the Catering team uses to build the kingdom of God.


The Worship team is there to glorify God and lead people in worshipping God through music. If you have an incredible voice or can play an instrument, let us know.


The Sound team, or PA team, want to serve Redeemer by facilitating quality sounds that will help all to worship God. If you have technical hands and musical ears, if you would like to ensure the music sounds good and the sermon can be heard clearly, we’d love you to join our team.


Every Sunday the guys & girls behind the computer make sure the right visuals are in sync with what’s happening on stage, as they also make sure recordings are uploaded to be used on the website. A great team to join for anyone not afraid of using a computer.


The Set-up team is serving God and the church in setting up and down every Sunday for service. If you have big muscles and love to serve, this team suits you perfectly.


Youth work at Redeemer is a place for teenagers from the age 11-17, who love to have fun, and ready to learn and share about Jesus.


The BHV team is there to ensure visitors of our church are safe during the services in case of incidents. They are responsible in case of an incident to take charge and be able to make clear decisions and give directions according to the calamity plan. We need more people for the BHV, if you have this, please let me know.

Floor managers

The Floor managers are the hidden heroes of Redeemer. The team is there to make sure that the meeting goes smoothly, by resolving problems, and various technical and logistical tasks. They have an answer ready for questions arising, always have a clear view of what’s going on and are able to give help when needed.

Student Outreach

Every Thursday a group of people go to the Delft University of Technology to reach students with the gospel. If you would want to join, great! Let us know.


The Alpha Course is specially for people who like to explore more about the Christian Faith. Do you want to help organising the Alpha or be a group leader, great!


Kids work at Redeemer is a place where children learn about the Bible and enjoy fun activities including games, songs and crafts. Most importantly, it is a place where children can get to know Jesus together. We have three teams that organize the various Sunday-morning programs for children: Confetti (ages 0-2), Explorers (ages 3-6), Funtastics (ages 6-12).


The Admin team is the central hub of the church. We glorify God through serving our members and leaders, take care of finance, supporting other teams, organizing events and much more. If you are administratively gifted and like to keep an overview of what’s going on in church, we would love you to get involved.