Discover Our Leaders

Redeemer Delft is led by a team of ‘elders’. We believe that this is what we see as the model set out for church leadership in the New Testament. The history of the early church (as seen in the book of Acts) shows apostles planting new churches and appointing local elders to continue the local work (e.g. Acts 14v23). These elders must meet clear strict requirements (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1; Titus 2; 1 Peter 5), which can be summed up in the following definition:

“An elder is a man who is called and gifted by God, who together with the other elders has the responsibility for leading a local church, and is: shaped by apostolic ministry, able to lead himself, able to lead his family and able to lead his local church.” (PJ Smyth, The World Needs More Elders, God First, 2008, pp. 11.)

How are elders appointed?

The Biblical process is that God calls and equips them, then that calling and competence is seen by other people, and then they are recognized and set in place.

For this to happen:

  1. The person must recognize their calling and gifting to be an elder.
  2. Those who will be served by the new leader must confirm their gifting (Acts 6).
  3. Existing authorities (e.g. apostles) should confirm what others have seen (Acts 6; Galatians 2).

The Eldership Team (Overseers / Leaders / Pastors / Voorgangers)

Dean & Tamar Wilding

Dean & Tamar Wilding

Lead Elder & Board Chairman

Dean & Tamar are a Anglo-Dutch couple who lived in the UK before coming to the Netherlands. Dean currently leads the eldership team of Redeemer Delft. Dean holds a doctorate in physics, enjoys reading, cooking and dry humour. Tamar is a dramatherapist who works with children and adults. She enjoys people and rearranging the house every week. They have two sons Tristan & Finnian.

Pete & Elsbeth George

Pete & Elsbeth George

Staff Elder & Board Secretary

Pete and Elsbeth are an Anglo-Dutch couple. They have a son Jonathan. Pete has a Master’s in Biblical Studies and is into exegesis, hermeneutics, good wood and good coffee. Elsbeth is an oncology nurse and both have a passion for Jesus in the workplace.

Floyd & Man Lau

Floyd & Man Lau

Elder, Prayer and Prophetic Team Leaders & Pastoral Care Coordinator

Floyd and Man come from Hong Kong. Floyd is working for a global IT company, and Man is a part-time piano teacher. They are excited how God does his life changing miracles; sharing and supporting life with people; telling his good news to all the people. Floyd and Man are responsible for the Prayer and Prophetic Team and Man is our Pastoral Care Coordinator.

Ivo & Judith van der Horst

Ivo & Judith van der Horst

Elder & Worship Team Leader

Ivo and Judith are two Dutchies who are can’t get enough of Delft - including Redeemer! Judith leads with Rico the worship team. Ivo is an elder and you will see hosting and preaching. In his day to day life Ivo helps startups make positive impact in developing countries, while Judith works in the field of sustainability. They both love being with people and are very enthusiastic about seeing God at work in Redeemer.

Ministry Leaders (Deacons)

Our elders and our deacons together make up the Leadership Team of the church.

Rico van Onselen

Rico van Onselen


Rico joined Redeemer as a student in 2017. He graduated in physics and is now working as a data analyst. He has a passion for the good news of Jesus and for people to find fullness of life in God. At Redeemer he leads worship and is responsible for the worship team.

Rhodé Zaagman

Rhodé Zaagman

Newcomers & Evangelism

Rhodé is responsible for organizing our evangelism and the integration of newcomers into the church. She also works for Navigators as a student worker. She is married and has two children.

Coos & Elisabeth van Ginkel

Coos & Elisabeth van Ginkel


Elisabeth and Coos are a German-Dutch couple who have a heart for sharing the gospel with people from all nations and ages. Currently, Coos is working as a landscape architect, while Elisabeth is doing a Masters in architecture. Within the church they minister to kids and teens which they want to see becoming kingdom builders themselves.

Johan Jansen-de Wilde

Johan Jansen-de Wilde

Sunday Meetings

Coming soon...

Janice Lim

Janice Lim


Coming soon...

The Apostolic Team

We are part of the New Ground family of churches led by Dave Holden.  We are part of a hub of churches within New Ground in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.  These churches are supported by an apostolic team led by Chris Taylor.  The members of this team are as follows:

Chris & Karin Taylor

Chris & Karin Taylor

Redeemer The Hague

Chris and Karin planted Redeemer in the Hague back in 2010. Chris leads the apostolic team that supports New Ground churches in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

Henk & Eunee Kersten

Henk & Eunee Kersten

Redeemer Maastricht

Henk Kersten is very happily married to Eunee. They enjoy time with their family, walking and cycling. They live in Maastricht – the only area with hills in the whole of The Netherlands, and are part of Redeemer Maastricht.

Dean & Tamar Wilding

Dean & Tamar Wilding

Redeemer Delft

Dean and Tamar were part of the founding group of Redeemer Delft and currently lead Redeemer in Delft.

Maarten & Lise de Lange

Maarten & Lise de Lange

Redeemer Maastricht

Maarten and Lise de Lange planted Redeemer Maastricht back in 2017. They love hospitality and the city of Maastricht.

Phil and Sarah Varley

Phil and Sarah Varley

Redeemer Rotterdam

Phil and Sarah are originally from the UK and have worked in full-time ministry for many years. They moved to Rotterdam in 2021 to plant a church in the city.

Teams & Their Leaders